Sunday, November 30, 2008

Will today's kids be worse off (economically) than their parents?

I attended my 35th year High School reunion last night, and one of my classmates was saying that he's concerned that the current generation of kids will be the first in a long time who standard of living isn't greater than their parents (us).

I agree that this is a real possibility, but I have to wonder if that is a bad thing.

I see kids these days who are incredibly bored with the 'things' that their parents have acquired for them.

Cell phones, big screen TV's, huge houses with pools, gym memberships, cars for their 16th birthdays, etc, etc, etc.

Are they better off for it?

Can they read and write any better than the previous generation?
Do they have honesty, integrity and ethics (reports indicate that 60% of today's students cheat in school).
Are they physically fit (what's the obesity level for today's children?)

I'm not suggesting that eating at a soup kitchen would be a good thing for today's spoiled children (God knows there are children who have been doing that anyway in the economic boom of the latter part of the 20th century), but I am saying that a return to a simpler time when everyone doesn't acquire everything immediately that they believe they want, or have been brainwashed to believe they need, is a bad thing.

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