Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Catholic bashing

I'm so sick of people telling me they were once Catholics, but some priest did this and another priest did that, and the Church wouldn't give their relative an annulment, and the Church wouldn't bury their father who hadn't been to church in 40 years, and they couldn't get married on a Wednesday morning, and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

These people drop their faith like yo-yo dieters drop a diet fad.

Their mistake is this...

When I go to church, I go there to pray to God.

I don't go there to worship a priest.

If your Catholic church doesn't have a priest who can facilitate your relationship with God, find another church.

By the way, if you've truly been hurt by a priest (and there are some who have) contact your local District Attorney and have them prosecuted.

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