Tuesday, November 11, 2008

My Website 'sucks'

Recently, one of my student's whose honesty I value, told me that my website 'sucks'.

I don't really disagree, my website needs a lot of work, and I've been trying to improve it, but his use of the very popular word 'sucks' is one that repels me.

It seems everywhere I turn I hear "that sucks".

In my younger years, we used to say "that stinks" or "that's a shame". Today it seems to be "that sucks" or "it sucks to me you".

I was inspired this morning to check out its definition today at Dictionary.com. Here's what it says...

1 dictionary results for: sucks

v. sucked, suck·ing, sucks
v. tr.
1. To draw (liquid) into the mouth by movements of the tongue and lips that create suction.

a. To draw in by establishing a partial vacuum: a cleaning device that sucks up dirt.
b. To draw in by or as if by a current in a fluid.
c. To draw or pull as if by suction: teenagers who are sucked into a life of crime.
3. To draw nourishment through or from: suck a baby bottle.
4. To hold, moisten, or maneuver (a sweet, for example) in the mouth.
5. Vulgar Slang To perform fellatio on.

v. intr.
1. To draw something in by or as if by suction: felt the drain starting to suck.

2. To draw nourishment; suckle.
3. To make a sound caused by suction.
4. Vulgar Slang To be disgustingly disagreeable or offensive.

1. The act or sound of sucking.
2. Suction.
3. Something drawn in by sucking.

Phrasal Verb(s):
suck in To take advantage of; cheat; swindle.
suck up Slang To behave obsequiously; fawn.

I'm not sure what definition is best for use with my website---the closest would seem to be the fourth intransitive verb form

Vulgar Slang To be disgustingly disagreeable or offensive

I'm not sure that my website is disgustingly disagreeable or offensive--but it may very well 'stink'.

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