Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Facebook. Michael Smerconish---doesn't get it

I really like Michael Smerconish (1210AM, Philadelphia Daily News), but he really missed the ball the other day when he dismissed the true power of one of my favorite Social Networking tools, Facebook. Apparently, Michael thinks it's for kids. In fact, he says...

"More than 120 million have joined, many too old for this nonsense. Whatever value it could have is trumped by the etiquette traps it sets." He goes on to say that "texting is for chicks."

Too old...hmm, I must admit I am a computer geek, that's how I earn my living, and I do think that a lot of people over 50 would do well to increase their geekiness. But etiquette traps? Come on now, people put their foot in their mouth every day, they don't need Facebook to do it. Like anything (including email) be careful what you put out there.

Obviously, Michael doesn't spend the time that I do each day trying to stay in touch with readers, students, customers, friends, etc. I'm sure he has someone who does that for him, but I have to do it myself.

I maintain a mailing list of over 5,000 names---and when I send an email out once a month, about 10% of them come back undeliverable. Just maintaining an up-to-date email list can be a nightmare, which is why I love Facebook.

Every person who buys something from me (a book, a class) or who asks me a question about something (programming for the most part) is invited to join Facebook and to be my friend.

Not everyone does---only about 5% right now, but for those who do, it provides them an insight into me, and allows me to more easily announce new books, updates to existing books, new classes, etc.

And I do all of this without bothering them a great deal (well, once in a while I do announce one of my wife's Avon campaigns).

Here's the link to the article by the way...check out the comments, they are great!


Sara said...

Wow, is he really serious? lol

To think of it, I'm sure there are plenty of others who agree with his bottom line. Little do they know, or have yet to realize, is that Facebook (and plenty of other internet related resources) help advertise any business from Mom&Pop shops to corporates. Those who think otherwise are missing out!

By the way, I did a little snooping of my own...
(I can't believe you don't have this made!)
You would probably have more luck keeping in touch with your readers if you made a Facebook "page".
People can become your "fans", and keep up to date with any info that you provide on the page... there are also areas for discussion, links, video, photos... etc.

Let me know what you think!

John Smiley said...

Hi Sara

I couldn't agree more---but it takes a certain amount of commitment to have a Facebook page---I'm sure Michael is famous enough now that he doesn't do much on his own (the price of fame). He doesn't really need a Facebook page to promote himself.

As for me, I can use all the advertising I can get for my business.

I do have a Facebook page---here's the link...

Sara said...

Hello again. :)

I wouldn't mind having someone maintaining all of my accounts for me too lol.

Oh, let me clarify- I did find your facebook account while I was searching around yesterday. But what I meant was a "page" lol (confusing, yes)

For example:

It is different than just having a facebook account ;)

I'll send you an add request.