Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Cinnaminson Recycling Day---first day of Blue Carts for me

It's Cinnaminson recycling day---and about 5% of the new, blue paper recycling carts I saw while jogging this morning are facing the wrong way.

I guess not everyone read the directions included with the blue cart.

I think it's easiest if you remember to have the serial number, painted on the side of the cart, face the street. There's also a steel bar about halfway up the cart on that side.

Here are the ferences to proper placement of the cart included in the two brochures that were delivered with it.

Place your cart at the curb for collection with the arrow on the lid pointing towards the street.

The lid opening must face the street.

The lid must open towards the street.

Q. Why does the lid opening need to face the street?
A. the truck's automated arm cannot turn the container around. Dumping the container "backwards" can break the lid.

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