Monday, February 9, 2009

Ritz 16 Voorhees---Saturday, February 7th

I could tell it was a full moon at the Ritz 16 Voorhees on Saturday night---unruly patrons picking fights with clumsy popcorn carriers, yakking ladies next to me in the movies, and the ultimate annoyance---the husband and wife who brought peanuts to the movies, and proceeded to crack and shell them throughout the performance.

Once again, with a full theater, and sitting in the back row, there's not a lot we could do---no place to move.

And after witnessing near fisticuffs in the foyer, I wasn't about to say anything.

I need to convince my wife to start going to matinees---with an emptier theater, you can just get up and move to get away from the annoying twits.

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