Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Bristol Palin, if you can't say anything worthwhile, don't say something stupid

Bristol Palin was trying, really trying to say something intelligent when she said she favored abstinence, but that in today's society, it's just not going to work.

That's pretty funny---abstinence worked well in my generation for a number of reasons.

First, boys who got their girlfriends pregnant were more than likely going to get the hell kicked out of them by both the girlfriend's father and their own.

Secondly, after getting said girlfriend pregnant, most young men I know married the girl on Saturday, dropped out of school on Monday, and immediately entered the workforce. No High School diploma, no College, no destination wedding, no small wedding with a white dress, no reception, no nothing. The same was true for the girl.

Bristol's lucky--she can now enjoy her own sexual revolution, since she has parents that can afford to give their baby girl everything she wants.

Not all girls (and the boys who date them) are as lucky.

Some actually have to take care of and provide for the baby they bring into this world.

Well not all do--some of them abort their babies, but that's for another post.

I don't want to generalize, but today's society is a give me society---immediate satisfaction.

Even my dog is guilty of it.

Abstain, save yourself for marriage, it's very possible.

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