Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Cinnaminson Recycling Blue Buckets

It's been a while since I've had anything to say about the Burlington County New Jersey Blue Bucket Recycling plan.

I wrote about its introduction in the Cinnaminson area a few months ago, and everything has been running smoothly until...

Last night, my wife went out to the RecycleBank website

The website is a nice idea---you can accumulate reward points based on the amount of recycling that the recycling people pick up. Since every blue bucket has a unique RFID device (Radio Frequency Identification Device---that's redundant, I know) each household can earn credits. They can be used for gift cards to places like Acme

Strangely, when my wife signed into the website with out account information, the 2 pickups in June weren't showing up. So far, our totals look like this...

Pickup Date Pounds
5/20/2009 67.5 pounds
5/06/2009 55.0 pounds
4/22/2009 72.5 pounds
4/08/2009 75.0 pounds

I called their toll free support number (1-888-727-2978) a few minutes ago, and a very nice woman named Rowena asked for my account number, and the dates of my missing pickups, and told me she would credit me for 2 pickups using the average weight of the 4 pickups she had on record.

Together with a bonus of 40 points for registering with the website, that should give us close to 500 points, which can save us some money at Acme.

If anyone else in the area has noticed a problem with their transactions at, give them a call--they're very helpful.

Once again, their toll free number is:


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