Monday, August 31, 2009

The Common Cold

You would think after 54 years of living, I might have developed an immunity by now to the Common Cold.

It's my understanding that there are about 200 variants of the Common Cold, and I've probably had about 100.

For the last few years, I don't think I had any--but this last year, I think I've had about 3 or 4, and the last one hit me yesterday (Sunday), although I think I started to feel it on Saturday.

Right now, I'm sneezing, my nose is running, and my throat is sore. I had a restless night, and I'm doing my best not to infect my wife or my 92 year old mother who lives in a nursing home, and who suffers from COPD (bad lungs).

I don't really like drugs, but my nose is so bad, I bought some Day Quil at lunch.

Took it about 1PM, and I'm waiting for the symptoms to subside.

I'll keep you posted.

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