Monday, June 18, 1973

Action Manufactuing

I started my first summer job on Monday, June 18th, at Action Manufacturing in Bridesburg, making $2.10 per hour. Many of my friends were at the shore for Senior week.

It was hot, sticky, and required some skills that I don't think I possessed (namely, some mechanical ability and the ability not to get hurt).

Before the summer was over, I had nearly cut my thumb off, shot a lathe wrench between my legs, and sprayed acetone in my eyes.

Things were so bad that my first pay check (and stub, which I still have) had blood on it.

I did get better---I finished the summer making $2.35 per hour, as I recall.

I was particularly good at glueing.

My first supervisor, Mr. Chris (can't remember his last name) was a very nice man.

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